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Testing the Callout Sequence

Test your Callout Sequence

To test your callout sequence, you will select the ‘Test Callout Sequence’ button on the Callout Sequence standard page.


In the next screen, you will need to provide a record of the same type you selected in the Main Object field of this sequence. You can either start typing the name of the record in the “Select Record(s) To test With” field or provide an actual salesforce id in the “Or Provide a Salesforce Record Id” field below. After you choose a record hit Start Sequence to start the callout sequence.


The sequence is asynchronous, the calls will be made one by one, in different transactions. So, initially, you will see something like the screen below.


You can use the Refresh button to update the information about the running sequence. You can also click “Back to Sequence” to go back to the sequence page or the “View Sequence Log Record” to see the log for this sequence call.

The sequence log record will show the status of the sequence call as well as a summary of the operation.


Go to the “Related” tab and you can find details about each step of the sequence call.