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All you’ll ever need to know about Declarative Webhooks and how to get started.


Step 1: Callout Sequence Details

Define Callout Sequence Details

The first page of the Callout Sequence Wizard is where you can define the basic settings of the sequence.


After providing a Sequence Name, you need to select a Main Object. This is the record that will start the sequence. It can be a Standard object or Custom object.

When you are adding sequence steps, you can define calls with templates that can use this object or related objects.

NOTE: Not all standard salesforce objects will appear here. If there is an object that is unavailable, please reach out to the Declarative Webhooks support team to make additional objects available.



If we are building the Send Contact and Account example from the previous page, for the Main Object we need to select Contact. We can then initiate the sequence with a Contact Id, and we can have steps that send information from the related Account.